Joint Declaration On the Occasion of 130th Birth Anniversary of the Great Marxist Teacher Comrade Mao Tse-tung
Proletarians and Oppressed peoples of the World – Let us Unite!
Let us pay homage to the great Marxist teacher Comrade Mao Tse-tung on the occasion of his 130th Birth Anniversary. Let us pay revolutionary homage to the heroic daughters and sons of the oppressed people all over the world who laid down their lives in the revolutionary struggle for a new society free of exploitation and oppression and Socialism-Communism fighting heroically with the reactionaries.
The objective of the joint declaration is to hold aloft the reputation and requirement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in advancing the national liberation movements, the broad anti-imperialist movements, proletarian Socialist revolutions in capitalist-imperialist countries and New Democratic revolutions. On this occasion, it is important to comprehend that revolution and Socialist construction is impossible without the science of Marxism-Leninism that the great Marxist teacher Comrade Mao preserved, developed and enriched. The utmost brilliant leaders of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse-tung framed Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. We acknowledged Maoism as the qualitative, new and third higher stage of Marxism-Leninism. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the utmost advanced theory. On the occasion of the 130th Birth Anniversary of Comrade Mao Tse-tung, let us firmly declare to the international proletariat and the oppressed people of the world that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the ideology that guides us.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Marxism is an active science, not a lifeless dogma. It is in lively relation with practice and contributes to it. It constantly develops and is enriched in the process of development of class struggle, struggle for production and scientific experiment. The ideology, theory or the science of Marxism (-Leninism-Maoism) is the synthesis of the experiences of class struggle of all the countries and in all sectors for the past nearly 175 years. This is a comprehensive entity of philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism or proletarian class struggles.
Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao developed it from the furnace of class struggle and in the theoretical struggle against bourgeois ideology, revisionism and its reflections and other various alien trends for the past 175 years. MLM is an invincible weapon in the hands of the international proletariat and the exploited people. It is a weapon that helps the proletariat understand the world, make revolution and change it. It is a lively scientific ideology that is constantly developed and enriched in the process of revolutionary practice in the International Communist Movement
“Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the invincible weapon which enables the proletariat to understand the world and change it through revolution. It is a universally applicable, living and scientific ideology, constantly developing and being further enriched through its application in making revolution as well as through the advance of human knowledge generally. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the enemy of all forms of revisionism and dogmatism. It is all powerful because it is true” – from ‘The 1993 document of RIM’, ‘Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism’.
Karl Marx – Marxism
Karl Marx developed dialectical materialist philosophy as a method and perspective together with his close associate Frederick Engels. They applied dialectical method to know the rules of motion of social development. This is the Dialectical Materialism. Marx brought to light the rules of motion of capitalism including its class contradictions and the origin of exploitation, theorised surplus value that is the base of exploitation and developed the theory of political economy. He developed scientific socialism depending on the theory of class struggle. He formulated the principles that direct the strategy and tactics of proletarian class struggle. He said, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.”
Marx synthesised the knowledge that the humankind gained for centuries. Mainly depending on the rational issues of German traditional philosophy, English traditional political economy and the theory of French revolutionary class struggle and Socialist theories, Marx invented the dialectical materialist concept related to history. He defined human essence as the entity of social relations.
In his famous text, ‘Capital’, he explained the theory of value of labor. Depending on the rule of contradiction, Marx found out the fundamental contradiction in capitalism. He explained capitalist crises as another manifestation of fundamental contradiction in capitalism. Marx and Engels realised that the proletariat emerged as the utmost revolutionary social class and the motive force of social development. In the process of achieving liberation from wage slavery, the proletariat will liberate the entire society from all kinds of class exploitation and oppression and advances towards class-less society. They realised that for the purpose, it needs to establish its own advanced organisation, that is the proletarian party and worked for the same.
They described that the contradiction between the forces of production and relations of production in class society reflects as a class contradiction and that the history of class society is that of class struggles. Marxism took birth in the times of great changes in human history and when a few western capitalist states were establishing hegemony on the world. Marx and Engels played an important role in forming Communist Parties and the First International and in guiding it. They said, ‘Working Men of All Countries, Unite!’ and provided international perspective and comradely solidarity to the workers of various countries.
Marx and Engels explained how state takes birth, develops and withers in the process of development of human society from slave society to Communism. Marx and Engels defeated all the petty bourgeois utopian Socialist theories and firmly established the principles of scientific socialism. Marxist method had been accepted to understand and develop nearly all the sciences starting from ordinary science to revolutionary strategy and tactics.
The revolutionary perspective, political theory and dialectical method developed by Marx represent the first great milestone in the development of proletarian scientific ideology.
V.I. Lenin – Leninism
Lenin inherited the revolutionary teachings of Marx and Engels amidst the flames of Socialist revolution in the historic conditions of the era of imperialism. They firmly preserved those teachings. Leninism is the Marxism related to the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions. Comrade Lenin made great contributions to enrich the three components of Marxism. He developed the understanding of the proletarian party, revolutionary violence, state, proletarian dictatorship, imperialism, farmers’ question, women’s question, nationality question, World War and proletarian tactics of class struggle to a much higher stage.
The theory of materialism developed by Lenin and his definition of matter further strengthened the foundations of Marxist philosophical materialism. The magnificent analysis of imperialism of Lenin is a great addition to Marxism. He scientifically explained the transformation of capitalism to its pre-monopoly capitalist phase to the phase of monopoly and how this highest stage of capitalism leads to wars and revolutions. He pointed out that imperialist war is the continuation of imperialist politics, the highest and last stage of capitalism. Therefore, he said this is the dawn of proletarian revolution.
Another great addition of Comrade Lenin was his emphasis that the proletariat must definitely destroy the bourgeois state machinery and establish proletarian dictatorship in its place.
Since capitalism is unevenly developed in various countries, Socialism is achieved first at a weak link in the imperialist chain in one or a few countries. Capitalist countries will still exist. These shall help the imperialists to act against the newly evolved Socialist states. The Socialist states must be preserved and World Socialist Revolution be achieved. Therefore, the struggle will be protracted. Comrade Lenin provided this understanding.
Coming to Party organisation he said thus. Party must have a very wide membership network and a nucleus of Professional Revolutionaries. Such a political party must definitely mingle with the people and pay great importance to the creative initiative of the people in the construction of history.
Leninist understanding on Nationality Question is a qualitatively higher stage. Comrade Lenin explained that all nationalities have the right to complete equality, the right to self-determination including that of secession and ultimately to establish a federation of all nationalities. He explained how the national and colonial question is integral to the general question in world proletarian revolution. As per the national, colonial thesis of Comrade Lenin, the proletarian revolutionary movements and colonies of capitalist countries must ally with the national liberation movements. This alliance can destroy the colonies and also the alliance of imperialists, feudal and comprador bourgeois reactionary forces in dependent countries. Therefore, it shall ultimately inevitably end imperialist system all over the world.
Comrade Lenin formed the Third International immediately after the end of war. He moulded it into a powerful weapon of the international proletariat in the fight against imperialism.
While Marxism is the theory of the era where capitalism developed relatively peacefully, Leninism is the theory related to the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions.
The close associate of Lenin, Comrade Stalin creatively applied, preserved and developed Marxism-Leninism. He led the International Communist Movement for three decades after the demise of Comrade Lenin. He played a magnificent role in the victory achieved on Hitler’s fascism during World War II.
Stalin preserved and developed Marxism-Leninism in the struggle against the enemies of Leninism such as Trotskyites, Zinovievites, Bukharinites and other bourgeois agents and various kinds of opportunism. He made a lasting contribution to the International Communist Movement through his various theoretical writings.
Mao-Maoism Comrade Mao combined China revolution and International proletarian revolution with the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism. He inherited, preserved and developed Marxism-Leninism. He developed Marxism-Leninism to a new and higher stage in the sectors of philosophy, political economy, military science and scientific socialism. Comrade Mao further developed the Marxist-Leninist Strategy-Tactics. He developed the concept of Protracted People’s War in the process of 28 years of revolutionary struggle in colonial, semi-colonial, semi-feudal China and with the experience of China in a condition totally different to that of capitalist Europe. The theory of New Democracy is a distinct addition to the Armory of Marxism-Leninism.
China revolution was successful in 1949. Later in the process of making a worldwide struggle against the revisionism of Khrushchev and modern revisionism, he made few utmost great additions to Marxism. This theoretical struggle came to be prominently known as ‘Great Debate’ in the International Communist Movement. Since then he made additions to the Armory of Marxism-Leninism. He initiated and led the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) that shook the world. Cultural Revolution indicates a historic turn in International Communist Movement. During the period, he developed the theory of continuing revolution in the dictatorship of the proletariat with the objective of preventing capitalist restoration in a Socialist country, of strengthening Socialist system and proletarian dictatorship and of advancing towards Communism all over the world. On the whole, Comrade Mao developed the science of Marxism-Leninism to its third, higher and qualitatively new stage.
Mao extended valuable services in developing dialectical materialism, the proletarian philosophy, including the theory of knowledge. He developed the principle of contradictions and brought a conceptual leap. He suggested that the principle of contradictions, the unity and struggle of opposites is the fundamental rule of motion that controls the society including the nature and the thoughts of humans. He said, “…Scientific Socialism, philosophy and political economy are the three fundamental components of Marxism. Class struggle is the base of social science…”. He also developed a dialectical understanding towards forces of production, relations of production, between theory and practice, between economic base and superstructure, between matter and consciousness and other phenomena. The concepts of ‘Serve the people’ and ‘Mass Line’ are the main components related to understanding in the practice of the entire works of Mao. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution that took place to mould the party and the entire society so as to fight against the feudal and bourgeois values and to aim the bourgeois centres inside the party enriched this method of investigation.
He made an in-depth critical analysis of Soviet economy, drew lessons from the positive and negative experiences of Socialist construction in Soviet Russia and analysed the specific rules of motion controlling Socialist construction. He said that proper balance must be maintained between the growth of forces of production and corresponding change in relations of production through the slogan ‘Walking on two legs’. He inferred that superstructure and consciousness can change the base and that politics must be in command in all sectors to consistently develop the relations of production. Another great addition of Mao is that bureaucratic capital is entwined with imperialism and feudalism and possesses a comprador character.
Mao not only developed the Leninist concept of ‘Revolution in two phases’ in the field of scientific socialism but also the principles of Socialist transformation. New democracy targeted not only feudal system but also imperialism. It affirmed that bourgeois democratic tasks shall be completed in the present phase only in the leadership of the proletariat as a part of World Socialist Revolution. For the first time, Mao established the concept of state with Socialist transformation, constituted of the people’s democratic dictatorship of four classes as the first stage in the transformation to proletarian dictatorship. Later Mao also established the theoretical, political, cultural and economic basis for the transformation from democratic revolutionary stage to Socialist stage. Mao greatly explained the revolutionary understanding as to how to develop Socialism from its primary phase to its higher stage, Communism.
Coming to proletarian tactics, he added ‘Protracted People’s War’ to the Armory of revolution. This is a vital contribution to revolutionary strategy-tactics. It is qualitatively new. He not only further developed Leninist understanding of the proletarian party and built a new kind of party on the base of democratic centralism but also built a new kind of party that can take up criticism-self-criticism, rectification campaign and can develop through two line struggle. He developed a comprehensive theory related to United Front and its principles. Mao handed over military theory to the international proletariat. He took the theory and practice of revolution to a new and higher stage with the concept of People’s War. He proved that we can efficiently face a strong force with the rules of guerrilla war such as ‘retreat when the enemy starts to attack, harass when the enemy is tired, chase the enemy in their retreat’.
Whether revolution takes the path of Protracted path of struggle or General Insurrection, the fundamental concepts of People’s War shall apply all over the world. Seizing power through armed strength, destroying the existing state machinery shall be the central task of any revolution. The entire practice must be built central to armed struggle, or else the preparatory actions for general insurrection must be speeded up. Even now, People’s War is the utmost comprehensive method to defeat the enemy. People’s War developed into a universal principle for colonial, semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries from the concrete revolutionary practice of China revolution. This is the principle of war utmost scientifically developed in the hands of the proletariat to eliminate imperialism, feudalism and bourgeoisie. This is one main weapon in the war against imperialism all over the world.
Another new theory that Mao developed is that Party, Army and United Front are the ‘Three Magnificent Weapons’. He said, ‘our experience of 18 years shows that United Front and Armed struggle are two fundamental weapons to defeat the enemy. The United Front is to continue armed struggle. Party is a daring warrior that takes up these two weapons of United Front and Armed struggle and tears apart the enemy bases. This is the way these three are mutually related’. Democratic Centralism is a significant contribution related to the theory of rules of building of proletarian party.
Mao explained the understanding towards Woman’s question, about Art and Culture and Imperialism and National Question. The theoretical struggle made by the Communist Party of China in the leadership of Mao against the modern revisionism of Khrushchev that came forth in Russia came to be known as ‘Great Debate’. Mao led GPCR as a qualitative leap in preserving and implementing proletarian dictatorship. He took up ‘class struggle in superstructure’ with the slogan of ‘Bombard the headquarters’. He thus developed this science into a new, qualitative and higher stage in the process of combining the truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of China revolution.
From today’s point of view, Maoism is particularly essential for understanding ‘retreats from socialism’. It is thanks to Marxism Leninism Maoism that we can explain the backslides from socialist society and, moreover, we can be armed with the weapon of the necessity to «carry out thousands of cultural revolutions» like the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution led by Comrade Mao against the danger of the retreat.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the New, Third and Higher stage of Marxism
The concept ‘Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism’ does not realize the comprehensiveness of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. This is against the understanding that proletarian theory is an in divisive, lively entity and that all that is achieved until now universally from the proletarian revolutionary practice is embedded in this. It also amounts to negate scientific socialism to the past and apply it to the contribution of Mao Tse-tung. This is the utmost powerful weapon. With this weapon, we can fight back and defeat bourgeois class ideology and all kinds of revisionism including that in the veil of Maoism.
Marxism emerged as a science of nature, society and the process of human thoughts and as a revolutionary science. It took birth at the time when the proletariat emerged as a revolutionary class capable of moulding the future of the society along with its own future. It developed into new and higher stage into Marxism-Leninism. Later it further developed into Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It is a comprehensive philosophical system, political economy, scientific socialism and the strategy and tactics to understand the world and to transform it through revolution.
The Ninth Congress of the CPC held in the leadership of Comrade Mao in 1969 provided a historic and comprehensive analysis about Mao Thought (now Maoism). According to it, Mao Thought achieved the recognition of Marxist-Leninists of the world since the time of Great Debate, attained historic importance and became the qualitative, new and higher stage in the development of proletarian ideology by the time of the Ninth Congress of the CPC.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is a comprehensive entity. Maoism is the present-day Marxism-Leninism. Denying Maoism is denying Marxism-Leninism. Maoism made distinct contribution regarding philosophy, political economy, social science, party building, New Democratic Revolution through People’s War, Socialist revolution, organisation and several other issues such as Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Defeating modern revisionism is part of developing Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Since Soviet Social-imperialism ceased to be a superpower, neo-revisionist theories of Avakian that ‘US is the only hegemonic superpower’ and of Prachanda that ‘US is a globalised imperialist state’ came forth. The ‘ultra-imperialist’ theory of Kautsky is the base for all these opportunist ‘modern’ theories. According to this theory, it is impossible to achieve victory over imperialism. Basing on this, the Nepal Maoist party joined hands with the comprador ruling classes and severely betrayed the Nepal revolution, People’s War, World Communist movement, especially the South Asia revolutionary movement. Understanding the theory of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as an entity shall be a vital aspect to defeat such neo-revisionist wrong theories.
The line of demarcation between Marxism and opportunism is to recognize that in the dictatorship of the proletariat the class struggle extends and becomes even more intricate.
Today, those who extend it – to realise the existence of classes and antagonistic class contradictions all through Socialism until reaching Communism; to realise the existence of bourgeois class in the party; and to realise revolution under the dictatorship of proletariat are the real Marxist-Leninist-Maoists.
Thus, we see that we can enrich this proletarian science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism only in the process of its creative application and in the process of synthesising it from our revolutionary experiences.
International situation
Internationally, the three fundamental contradictions are intensifying day by day. The economic crisis spread all over the world is pushing the oppressed people into further poverty. Wealth is being accumulated in a large scale with the exploitive classes. Unemployment, inflation, diseases, environmental, food and other such crises are putting the oppressed people of the world in indescribable difficulties. The fundamental problems of the people are on daily rise. We see this situation not only in the oppressed countries but also in capitalist-imperialist countries. Imperialism is unleashing further suppression on the worldwide oppressed people and nationalities in a bid to overcome its crisis. The world economic crisis is intensifying all the contradictions and is creating objective favourable conditions for a new spate of revolutions. The revolutionary alternative is coming forth as an immediate necessity in an unprecedented manner. The responsibility of fulfilling it lies with the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties.
Contention is on the rise among the imperialists for world markets and resources. The recent example is the aggressive attack of Israel on Palestine with the support of US imperialism. The attack of ‘Hamas’, a National Liberation struggle organisation of Palestine on Israel’s military bases in Israel occupied territory of Palestine is a new turn in this struggle. Reactionary Israel is countering it bombing the people of Palestine in the name of ‘war on terror’. The support to the just national liberation struggle of Palestine is gaining manifold support ever seen from people all over the world including the people of imperialist countries. The strike of Auto-workers that started from the US and spread to Canada reveals the rising contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist-imperialist countries. Workers’ struggles are going on in other such countries like Germany and Britain. The people of Asia, Africa and Latin America are fighting in various ways and methods against the imperialists andand the ruling classes subservient to them.. All these show the conditions turning favourable to revolution.
Russia started war of aggression on Ukraine as a result of the imperialist contention between the US and Russia and the US imperialist hegemony. The proxy war is going on for the past 20 months. Tensions are on the rise between US and China regarding Taiwan. On the other hand, collaboration-contention, mainly contention is intensifying among all these in West Asia. The preparations of the imperialist countries for war to redivide the country is increasing the danger of World War III.The United States sees its status as a hegemonic superpower and the advent of a multipolar world in danger and is in serious conflict with other competing imperialist countries, mainly China and Russia.
Meanwhile China and Russia are contending to consolidate the multipolar world in the name of multilateralism. The dangerous strategies of US-NATO are rising tensions in various parts of the world. This is intensifying the situation that leads to World War III.
The applicability of People’s War
The principle of ‘seizing power through armed strength and solving the question through war’ is being applied in various situations in various forms in the world. As per the understanding of MLM, the path for the people of capitalist-imperialist countries is General Armed Insurrection and the path for the people of semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries is Protracted People’s War (PPW). The principles described by Comrade Mao in the perception of People’s War apply in both these paths all over the world. These must be applied. Owing to this universal importance, class struggle in capitalist-imperialist countries and Protracted People’s War in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries are dialectically interlinked.
The lifeline of the strategy of People’s War absolutely depends on the broad people who constitute the majority in any country so as to defeat the class enemies being protected by a very small minority of the government mercenary armed forces. Chairman Mao emphasised the leadership of the Communist Party and the mass line in the People’s War with the words, «As long as the Party and the masses exist, all kinds of miracles can be created.» The Communist Party and the masses are the lifeblood of the People’s War. As Comrade Lenin said in ‘State and Revolution’, “The necessity of systematically imbuing the masses with this and precisely this view of violent revolution lies at the root of the entire theory of Marx and Engels.” By depending upon the people, arming the people to fight back the enemy we can put the enemy in difficulty such as they continue to work unceasingly in their own area. We can eliminate the enemy in pieces by centralising very big forces in counter-tactical war and isolating the enemy from the masses. If we apply the rules of guerrilla warfare put forth by Mao to ‘step back when the enemy advances, to harass when the enemy is tired and chase on his retreat’, we can efficiently confront a strong force.
The Protracted People’s War formulated by Comrade Mao passes through three strategic phases – the strategic self-defense, strategic stagnation, strategic counter-offensive. Mao developed the rules of guerrilla, mobile and positional war and the relation between these in a detailed manner. Although People’s War is protracted, he said that actions with immediate decisions must be the main principle in campaigns and wars. He developed a new kind of leadership system constituted with centralised strategic command and decentralised command. Mao took into notice of his concept of People’s War, the strategic counter-offensive – self-defense, elimination of the enemy, tasks of war, centralisation and decentralisation of forces, political mobilisation of the people and problems such as between the officers and soldiers, people’s army and people. The primary condition would be to form People’s Army as the main institutional form. Guerrilla warfare is primary for a relatively weak force to fight against the government armed forces.
Urban and rural guerrilla warfare was being utilised and armed people’s resistance was started right during World War II and in the initial period of fascism. All over Europe and especially in Italy, France and Spain, guerrillas efficiently fought back the fascist forces in guerrilla methods. Apart from Communists patriots also took part in this kind of struggle. Even after World War II, national liberation struggles could firmly continue their struggle taking up guerrilla methods and basing on the strategy of People’s War. They could continue their struggles through arming the people implementing guerrilla tactics.
After World War II, the imperialists, especially the US imperialists received severe blows from the People’s Wars in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and Indo-China. These People’s Wars created permanent fear.
Of late, the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and other counties utilised guerrilla tactics in their fight against the US and British imperialists. They could steadily contain the imperialists for decades.
With the rising crisis in imperialism, fascism is once again surfacing all over the world. While on one hand fascist cliques and parties are on the rise, on the other, the state and governments are attaining further fascist character. Repressive mechanisms, intelligence network in High Tech methods are turning several countries into police states. Racial chauvinism, nationalist hegemony, casteism, religious frenzy and other such things are turning into platforms for fascist rule. In such conditions, we can efficiently fight back the exploitive rulers who are making use of the extremely centralised state, ultra-modern weapons (such as High Tech missiles, bombing through drones), information technology (such as 4G and 5G), Artificial Intelligence (AI) only through People’s War. The People’s Wars being made by the Maoist parties in countries such as Philippines, Turkey, India and Peru are fighting against a strong state machinery, utilising guerrilla methods to destroy it and are providing new experiences in mobilising the people through People’s War.
In such a situation, the proletariat must fight united against imperialist wars. In the condition where there is no Socialist base, if war comes, as the great Marxist teacher Lenin demonstrated in Russian revolution, we must adopt the tactics of ‘transforming the war into civil war’. The ultimate solution to the various crises faced by the world shall be obtained in the Communist society.
New Democratic Revolutions are going on in the path of Protracted People’s War in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries. People’s Wars are going on in Philippines, Turkey, India, Peru and other such countries facing the repressive campaigns of the exploitive ruling classes of the country with the support of their imperialist masters. Preparations are going on in some other countries. In the present condition, the proletariat of the world has the task to develop class struggles in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries and capitalist-imperialist countries and strengthen the proletarian parties. Today, we need to face the theoretical attack of the various kinds of revisionists, neo-revisionists, reactionaries on Communism, MLM and revolutionary movements. We need to fight back with Maoist understanding the opportunist theories and the various kinds of petty bourgeois liquidationist theories of fake revolutionaries that contaminate the minds of the people, with the objective to divert them from war and the path of revolution and the theoretical liquidation of capitalism-imperialism. We must build determined Bolshevik parties that are capable of building a proletarian army, class war, revolutionary war, Protracted People’s War and revolutionary United Front. We must successfully advance revolutionary movements.
In order to fulfil these tasks, in order to liberate the people from imperialism, entire reactionary classes and entire suppression and oppression; so as to establish a new world, Socialism-Communism; let us reiterate the theory of Mao Tse-tung about People’s War as the main weapon that continues for a long time. This shall be the real homage to Comrade Mao.
Mao said thus – ‘…the people in various countries have been continuously waging revolutionary wars to defeat the aggressors. The danger of a new world war still exists, and the people of all countries must get prepared. But revolution is the main trend in the world today’ – in ‘People of the World, Unite And Defeat The US Aggressors And All Their Running Dogs’, May 23, 1970.
Long live Proletarian Internationalism!
Long live World Socialist Revolution!
Long live the unity of proletarian revolutionary parties and organisations of various countries!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Communist Party India(Maoist)
Communist (Maoist) Party Afghanistan
Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)
Communist Worker Union (mlm) Colombia
Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia*
Maoist Communist Party – Italy*
Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla (PBSP/Bangladesh)*
Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal
*The CCPCMG signs this declaration agreeing with most of its content, but defending the universality of the Protracted People’s War.»
*CP Maoist Italy considers that Mao Tsetung’s teachings on the People’s War are universal,although they must be applied in specific and different forms in countries capitalists/imperialists and in countries oppressed by imperialism
*PBSP/Bangladesh signs with reserve
Others mlm Parties and organisations can sign this Joint Declaration csgpindia@gmail.com